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USACollegeChat Podcast

Dec 17, 2015

The Security Brief with Paul Viollis podcast invited Regina to talk about safety and security issues on college campuses and about what families should look for when deciding where to send a teenager to college.  Some of these safety and security issues come up when talking through the college selection “deal breakers” that Regina and Marie cite in their new book, How To Find the Right College: A Workbook for Parents of High School Students.  And there are some issues you probably never thought about!

By the way, Regina thinks Paul Viollis is the greatest host ever—knowledgeable, caring, honest, concerned, and gracious.  A true expert on safety and security in the U.S. and abroad, Paul has worked with law enforcement officials on many high-profile cases.  “He is the person that you would absolutely entrust your whole family’s security to,” she noted.  
The Security Brief with Paul Viollis has just come to television, too.  It is currently showing in select markets nationwide and will be available in more markets soon.  Regina had the chance to watch five of the one-hour shows being taped recently.  “Wow.  Some of the stories just take your breath away,” she commented.  So, have a look.

Listen to Regina's interview on The Security Brief here.


Listen to the podcast to find out about…

  • Why all residential facilities are not equally safe
  • Whether to rule out urban campuses for safety reasons
  • What promise every parent should make as a child goes off to college

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  • Calling us at (516) 900-NYCC to record a question on our NYCollegeChat voicemail if you want us to answer your question live on our podcast
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